Anime Face Boy Drawing

From the bottom of this line draw two curved lines as shown ending at the sides of the circle.

Anime face boy drawing. 8 step anime boy s head face drawing tutorial. It can be fairly challenging to make a proper 3 4 view drawing of the head including heads and faces in the anime style. In 2016 60 percent of the world s television cartoons were anime.

Drawing a realistic looking anime face is a little more challenging than drawing a standard anime or manga style face. Would you like to draw an anime boy s side profile view face. For a detailed step by step guide to drawing an anime boy s face you can again see.

This tutorial shows how to draw a male anime or manga style male face in 3 4 view with detailed step by step drawing examples. This easy step by step anime side view or manga drawing guide is designed to show you how. So what are you waiting for.

Anime male face side view surprised expression drawing for a surprised face draw the eyebrow raised especially the front ends and draw the eye open wider than normal. For this particular hairstyle draw the to part of the hair following the shape of the top of the head but some distance away as hair has volume. Note that older characters have longer chins and more slender faces and younger characters have shorter chins and rounded faces.

While the actual drawing process itself is not much more difficult the challenge comes in balancing between semi realistic facial features and maintaining an anime look. The example of the boy used in this tutorial can be around 10 15 years old. Draw the jaw lower down same as the open mouth example but draw the mouth with a smoother curve not going quite as far into the head.

Some manga artists draw the chin with sharp points like a square at the end of the chin and base of the jaw. It shows how to draw facial features in common anime proportions and how to place them on the head. There are also some basic shading and coloring tips.

Next sketch the chin and cheeks making sure that the lines change direction but that the curves are subtle. Draw an outline of the face. All the best anime boy drawing 33 collected on this page.

This step by step tutorial explains how to draw an anime boy s head and face. Step 4 drawing the hair anime boy hair drawing. This guide contains step by step instructions with pictures on how to draw a male manga face.

Anime boy drawing step by step. To draw a female face in anime or manga start by drawing a circle for the forehead and a straight line from the top of the circle to where the chin will be. Drawing a male manga face requires skill and a great deal of practice.