Anime Male Face

You can divide an anime style male face as shown in the example above.

Anime male face. Eyes draw a horizontal line halfway through the head and draw the eyes below that. This point will also be the top. Step 6 draw the eyes anime male face 3 4 view eyes drawing.

Anime male face drawing step by step. Anime male face male face drawing male manga facial expressions drawing anime faces expressions smile drawing guy drawing manga drawing face drawings. Manga and anime male characters of this age tend to have larger chins and longer faces with smaller narrower eyes when compared to their female counterparts or younger males.

For this tutorial we will be using fairly common proportions that are recommended in several tutorial here on animeoutline. Please note that older anime male characters tend to have fairly long faces as opposed to younger characters that tend to have fairly round faces. Anime male face proportions and step by step drawing.

Though this can. Onto the head add the ear the other one will be hidden behind the head. Draw the eye below the horizontal halfway point of the head.

In this tutorial we will be drawing what can be the face of a young adult or high school age male anime character. Position the facial features as follows. For a normal facial expression simply position all of the facial features as shown below.

Make it about as tall as 1 4 of the head with it s top being at the horizontal halfway point of the head. Anime male face proportions side view. Anime male face 3 4 view ear drawing.